Ryeowook's Profile


Fullname: Kim, Ryeo Wook

Date of Birth: June 21, 1987

Hometown: Seoul, South Korea

Voice Type: Tenor

Kim Ryeo Wook, born on June 21, 1987, more commonly credited as Ryeo Wook, is a Korean singer, dancer, occasional actor, and the third youngest member of Super Junior. He is recognized by his fellow members as the "eternal magnae" (eternal youngest) of the group, as well as one of the three most vocally powerful in the group (Super Junior-K.R.Y.). Even before Kyu Hyun's addition to the group in May 2006, Ryeo Wook commonly called himself the youngest despite being a few months older than Ki Bum. Ryeo Wook is currently studying at Inha University. He is also one of the first Korean artists to appear on Chinese postage stamps.

Kim Ryeo Wook was discovered through the CMB Youth Chin Chin Festival in 2004 and signed a contract with SM Entertainment soon afterwards after impressing judges with his singing talent. Trained in areas of singing, dancing, and acting, Ryeo Wook placed particular efforts into his vocal training and music composition as he was most concerned in those areas.

Trans : 
Nama lengkap: Kim, Wook Ryeo

Tanggal Lahir: 21 Juni 1987

Hometown: Seoul, Korea Selatan

Suara Tipe: Tenor

Kim Ryeo Wook, lahir pada tanggal 21 Juni 1987, lebih sering dikreditkan sebagai Ryeo Wook, adalah seorang penyanyi Korea, penari, aktor sesekali, dan anggota termuda ketiga dari Super Junior. Dia diakui oleh sesama anggota sebagai "magnae kekal" (abadi termuda) kelompok, serta sebagai salah satu dari tiga yang paling vokal kuat dalam kelompok (Super Junior-KRY). Bahkan sebelum penambahan Kyu Hyun ke grup pada bulan Mei 2006, Ryeo Wook biasa memanggil dirinya sebagai bungsu walaupun beberapa bulan lebih tua dari Ki Bum. Ryeo Wook ini sedang belajar di Universitas Inha. Ia juga salah satu seniman Korea pertama muncul pada perangko Cina.

Kim Ryeo Wook ditemukan melalui CMB Chin Chin Festival Pemuda tahun 2004 dan menandatangani kontrak dengan SM Entertainment segera setelah itu setelah hakim terkesan dengan bakat bernyanyi. Terlatih di bidang menyanyi, menari, dan akting, Ryeo Wook ditempatkan upaya tertentu ke dalam pelatihan vokal dan komposisi musik sebagai ia sangat prihatin di daerah-daerah

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